BS00044A.gif (2229 bytes)Conclusion:Believe me,my dear old friends,football is nothing and is not sensible.There are many reasons like:

1.I heard that Adolf Hitler,(the crazy nincompoop who bought down Germany's name, whose   opinion  which is worthless and a piece of junk)hardly suprising that he endorses it.

2.Football  fields are a waste of space, and  if they were combined together,they would be the size of the whole wide world!

3.All that space could become offices and electronics and shopping malls!

4. AND, Football fields cost MONEY,you know,so do not waste your money on THEM.


Let's report this website to David Beckham,and if he wants to sue me or force me to like football.JUST TRY,yeah,JUST TRY,David in this miserable,cruel and forlorn world.Let's hope that Posh Spice,his wife will be spurred to yell at him,IF he talks about football.

With Regards to this stupid website,

BUT not with all due respect to David Baked ham,